Archive for EBooks (For Free!)

Dawah Pamphlet

Attached you will find what has been intended as a dawah pamphlet that discusses the position of human beings with their Creator, Allah.  It is actually a translation from an Indian scholar and I had the privilege of editing the pamphlet before publication and distribution around the world.  Enjoy!


Barebones of Islamic Shar’iyah

Attached is a document that contains notes from a 10 day seminar crash course in Islamic Shar’iyah, from 2001.  It covers the basics of Fiqh, Aqeedah and Hadith.  Enjoy!

10 Day Seminar Course on Islamic Shariyah

Marriage to a Non-Muslim

This treatise deals with the age old question “Can a Muslims marry a N0n-Muslim?”  Explored in this issue are the perspectives of Muslim Males and Females, as well as Ahl-Kitaab and Non Ahl-Kitaab.  Enjoy!
